Ochonicky, Michelle “Mike”. ARTful Living, A Moment of Light artwork by Ann D Croghan featured Image in the article, page 7, The Healthy Planet, October 2019 Issue
Barber, Alyssa. “Artist Spotlight: Ann Croghan, Expressing Her Faith Through Art” Frenchtown Blog, Posted: September 23, 2019, Business Highlight, News
Schoettle, Jillian. "FAC Artist Spotlight - Ann Croghan." Blog: Foundry Art Centre (2017): Web Site: http://www.foundryartcentre.org/blog/fac-artist-spotlight-ann-croghan. Blog article.
Hemphill, Evie. "Alumna looks back on rewarding journey full of long hours, love of color." Blog: UMSL Daily: University of Missouri - St. Louis,(2017): Web Site: http://blogs.umsl.edu/news/2017/04/13/ann-croghan/
Croghan, Ann D. Artist/Instructor, Art Holliday. St. Louis, Holliday, Art. "Foundry Art Centre seeks Corporate Sponsor."26 February 2014. video.
Baraba, Sarah. "Foundry Art Centre promotes creativity and community." Suburban Journal - St. Charles/St. Peters Edition (2013). newspaper article.
Croghan, Ann D. Artist/Instructor, Steve Harris. St. Louis, Harris, Steve. "On the Road in St. Charles."16 August 2013. scroll to 2:58/4:43. video.
Croghan, Ann D. Artist/Instructor, Producer. James Dreyer. City of St. Charles - Media Department, 2013. video.
McMichael, Garry. "Artist & Gallery Diretory - The Best of the St. Louis Bi-State Region." (2013): 7. Book.
Willbrand, Christine. "FV Art at Florissant Civic Center." The Forum: St. Louis Community College - Florissant Valley 48.4 (2011): cover page. newspaper article.